极速赛车官方网站-一分钟极速开奖官网开奖记录:The world’s most accurate API for AI- and human-generated transcripts

权威官方认证,迅速揭晓比赛结果,带来高效刺激的观赛体验。详实记录每一场比赛的开奖情况,让您了解比赛动态。 Trained from the most diverse collection of voices in the world, Rev AI sets the accuracy standard for video and voice applications.

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Speech to Text API Sound Waves
What We Offer
Speech to Text
  • Submit audio or video files and get machine-generated transcripts in minutes
  • High accuracy
  • 36 languages available
  • Generates transcription in real-time as audio or video is streamed
  • 9 languages available
Human Transcription
Human Transcription
  • Get the highest level of accuracy from human-created transcripts
  • ~24 hour turnaround time
  • English only
Language Identification
Language Identification
  • Predicts the dominant language used in an audio or video file
  • 22 languages available
Topic Extraction
Topic Extraction
  • Identify key topics in text
  • Great for auto-tagging
  • English only
Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
  • Get positive, negative, and neutral statements from text
  • English only
Why Rev AI
Why Rev AI
Lowest Word Error Rate, Highest Accuracy
Rev AI consistently outperforms other speech-to-text providers in accuracy for virtually every use case.
Least Bias for Gender and Ethnic accents
Rev AI's Word Error Rate (WER) is significantly lower than the competition on ethnic background, nationality, gender, and accent.
More Languages with lower WER
With 36 languages, address demand from customers around the globe.
Delivers the most readable transcripts
Rev AI transcripts have the highest readability, including proper grammar, punctuation, phone numbers, and addresses.
All in one STT and NLP solution
Rev AI offers a full suite of best-in-class speech-to-text and insights to power the exact quality and price your application requires.
World class Security Standards
Get the highest level of data control and security with SOC II, HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI compliance.
极速赛车168开奖结果查询直播:独家提供的直播平台,实时呈现官方开奖结果,方便随时随地获取比赛信息。全程直播,带来身临其境的赛车竞技感受。 Overcome the limits of spoken word
Speech to Text API
Audio transcription for pre-recorded audio.
Speech to Text API
Real-time audio transcription.
Language Identification, Topic Extraction, Sentiment Analysis
Go beyond Speech to Text with actionable insights.
Rev AI’s ASR is the most accurate by a wide margin
Lower is better!
Best-in-class accuracy
When transcription accuracy matters, you can count on Rev AI.
See how we calculated these results
Best-in-class accuracy
Best-in-class accuracy
We train our speech models on 3 million+ hours of human-transcribed audio content to produce the most accurate API-driven, automatic speech recognition engine.
See how Rev AI compares to the competition
Ease of Implementation
Ease of Implementation
Set-up and see results within an hour. Our collection of SDKs get you up and running in no time.
Flexible Deployment
Flexible Deployment
Deploy Rev AI's speech-to-text engine in the cloud or on-prem according to your needs.
We maintain 99.99% uptime and are on call to respond to security alerts and events.
We handle your data with the care it deserves. All files are encrypted both at rest and in transit via industry best-practices.
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Simple integration
Our easy-to-use API is designed by developers for developers. We provide you with SDKs, comprehensive documentation, and expert support so you can get started in minutes. All you need to generate your first transcript is an access token.
Explore Documentation

极速赛车168直播网,一分钟极速开奖,官网开奖记录即时呈现! Transcend barriers of communication with Rev AI

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